Monday 6 August 2012

Film Review: Detention

Director: Joesph Khan: Stars: Josh Hutcherson, Shanely Caswell, Spencer Locke,  Dane Cook. Released April 2012. 

I wouldn’t call Detention a cinematic masterpiece, and there is a chance down the line I won’t remember much of the film, but there is something witty, cleaver and enjoyable that will stay with me.

The hybrid of teen comedy and horror film genre has been done before and it doesn’t always work. I wonder if this film would have worked without the slasher film element and better off as a straightforward satire on teen film, pop culture and modern youth society. I don’t think many changes would have been needed, but in the end the story is built on the horror film foundation.

Right away I must say that this is not a movie for everyone. This may be said in reference to many films, but it truly is a love it or hate it type film. This is in part a horror film, so there is some gory moments, but in my opinion nothing that hasn’t been seen already. I think that the actual story and especially the fast paced,  hard at times to understand dialogue will turn many off. It feels like everyone is a character from Gilmore Girls and suffering from being high on caffeine. This actually has a negative effect in fully understanding some of dialogue and crucial plot points and explanations, especially towards the end when everything should be coming together and falling into place.

Another element that may turn viewers off (but what I enjoyed) is how HIGHY entrenched in popular culture and references (including a Perfect Strangers reference!) from the 1980’s, 1990’s, early 2000’s all the way to today. So many that a second viewing to catch them all would be needed, I got many, but I’m sure there are some that I missed. This is actually crucial to understanding the plot and majority of the jokes in the film. So if you are not up to date on music, movies, fashion, TV, slang from the past 20 plus years, you will not really appreciate this film.  The fun soundtrack also goes hand in hand with the film.

As harsh as that may sound, understanding the pop culture references is the key to satire that this film attempts to make. Now, my understanding of satire (like with Family Guy, Talk Soup, The Simpsons) is to point out obvious (or maybe not obvious) flaws and problems in society and in our culture that it is suppose to prompt us to think about these issues. This is where Detention also falls short. All the film does in the end is show the viewer that yes, youth/pop culture is crazy these days, principals and teachers are miserable,  teens are self centered and that there is life beyond high school, so don’t worry.  The final line of the film is “it's not the end of the world, it’s just high school.”  That some people are not what they seem to be and the message of be happy with yourself has all been done before and is not unique.

Another element that I enjoyed about this film is how self reflexive it is. Detention knows it is a film and addresses that multiple times. It doesn’t take itself too seriously. The characters break the fourth wall and seem to talk to the audience. There is even a reference to the director’s previous film (Torque) and how bad it was.  The film is based on and plays with films genres (horror, rom-com, teen comedy) and stereotypes of those genres and the stereotypes of the types of personalities you would find in a typical high school. I would normally argue that there is no character development, maybe a little with Riley (Caswell) and Clapton (Hutcherson), but I’m going to say that due to the satire and self reflexive nature of the film, the characters are more like caricatures. I have a feeling this would have been a fun movie to make.

Finally, props to Josh Hutcherson on being one of the producers of the film, whether or not he had a hand in financing the film, getting it greenlight or just a credit for no  real reason, it is still cool and not many 20 somethings in Hollywood can claim that.

So if you are looking for a fun, non serious movie to get a break from all the summer blockbusters and are up to date on popular culture and enjoy satire, Detention may be for you.

1 comment:

  1. Good review Paim. :)
    I didn't catch all the references either. I enjoyed the film but I can understand how some might not.
