Wednesday 27 June 2012

Do We All Secretly Want Two Lovers?

This is the original version of an article I wrote for The Cord Newspaper. Below is a link to the shorter and edited printed version.

First there was team Edward or Jacob, now Peeta or Gale? Before that, Ross on Friends had to choose between Rachel and Julie; and Dawson by his creek was in agony between Joey and Jennifer. We also cannot forget Archie and his beloved Betty and Veronica. These are just a few examples of what has become prevalent in today’s films, TV and literature. The dreaded love triangle.

Why do we see so many love triangles in today’s pop culture and what is it about them that has a hold on audiences and make them popular? Is it that common to be madly and hopelessly in love with two people at the same time? Are they successful because we imagine ourselves in their shoes and project our own fantasies onto the story and characters?  We spend time and debate between friends the choices, such as the sweet bread-maker who helped save your life or the best friend, and who would be best and why, or root for the underdog, and finally, why not have both?

It is obviously effective since some of the most recent successful films and books involve a love triangle. Some friends and some members of my bookclub have mentioned, willing or not, these stories grab our attention and hold our interest. Yes, many fans are not just teens or pre-teens, but those who no longer have a “teen” in their age.  They are successful among many age brackets and cultures.   Who will she/he choose in the end and the journey to get to that decision. It’s pure entertainment and escapism, and that is what majority of audiences want when they are willing to shell out the money for a movie or book.

The film industry is a business in the end and they will continue to do what they feel is successful and guarantees profits. Keep in mind the majority of today’s love triangles are also a series, in both film and books. Breaking Dawn, the final novel in the Twilight series got split into two movies. It is a large book and a lot happens, but with creative writing and editing it could have been one film. After all, larger novels have been adapted and edited down to one film.  The focus is now that Bella has made her choice; let the fans see what happens after that choice is made. No worries, the fans will pay. There is also talk that Mockingjay, the final novel in The Hunger Games trilogy will also be split into two films. No doubt Katniss’s choice will be stretched and agonized over until the end. It is also important to note that Summit Entertainment and Lionsgate, the two film studios behind the massive franchises have recently merged.

Just like with any trend in Hollywood and popular culture, it will be done ad nauseam until audiences are fed up and it is no longer lucrative. This doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon. Universal Studios have recently announced a sequel to Snow White and Huntsman that no doubt will have a continued focus on who wins the fair maiden’s heart, the Huntsman or childhood friend William. In early 2013, another film adaptation of a popular YA novel, The Host will be released and features a love triangle as well and other similar storylines coming our way.

But it is more than just dystopian worlds, a small rainy town, or the dark forest from a fairy tale that we can see the triangle. In Oliver Stone’s upcoming film Savages, two drug dealers, Chon and Ben go after their shared girlfriend O, who has been kidnapped by a drug cartel, and a war ensues to get her back. Although it is not a romance, there is still a triangle involved and one male will have a stronger appeal than the other to viewers. Recently, Something Borrowed (also based on a successful book) involved a love triangle between friends Rachel and Darcy over Dax. One of the most financially successful romantic comedies My Best Friend’s Wedding focused on a triangle. Do a quick Google search and numerous sites with lists of the best triangles can be found.

Was it always like this? Imagine if Juliet was honestly in love with both Romeo and Paris, (blasphemous right?) Or that Jane Eyre was whole heartedly debating between a life with Mr. Rochester and one with Mr. St. John Rivers (the horror!)  How different things would have been. Is the love triangle more of a sign of modern times? Are audiences today jaded that a love story between just two people doesn’t grab and hold our attention anymore and that we need more conflict, more choices, more entertainment or escapism.

What, if any, real type of message does this send to children, pre-teens and teens about love and what it is like to be loved or love. That unless you have more than one person declare their love for you and fight for you at the same time that you’re not worth loving?   Or that yes, it is possible to romantically love two people at once. Nothing wrong with that, you just have to choose because you can’t have both. Both? Now there’s a story for you! Once a choice has been made, does it validate that love even more, that there is no one else besides that person.

The rise of love triangles may die down and find a place in film and literature, but for now it is here along with 3D technology (love it or hate it). Call me sentimental, old fashioned and a romantic, but I’ll always have a place in my heart for Rick and Ilsa, Buttercup and her “farm boy,” Jack and Rose, and finally Rhett and Scarlett.  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog, Paim!

    Could you imagine if Titanic actually had a love triangle with Rose contemplating being with Cal? Gah! The entire movie wouldn't have been nearly as powerful. Jack & Rose's love was epic enough to stand on it's own and not have her be indecisive about which man to choose. I think it should always be that way. Sure love triangles bring a little drama in the mix and add intensity to the whole "who will she choose?" plot element, but it's kind of unrealistic. I don't know many people who have had genuine love triangles. I know people who have cheated, but never actually had trouble deciding which guy to be with or who loves two women equally at once. It's a recipe for disaster in the real world. These are the type of relationships that end up on Jerry Springer lol. On film it's all exciting (especially if both men are hot lol) but it's a painful situation I wouldn't ever want to be in. Someone will always get hurt. Theoretically it's a cool idea to have two people love you at the same time, but again it never ends pretty. And I'm so sick of the whole "Team" label movies are getting these days. Must there always be a contest? Just give me a straight up love story. It's hard enough to find ONE person to connect with and make that work, why add another to make things more melodramatic?
